Proofreading Tips - False Friends Compendium
FF Compendium – 60 pairs of interesting words
Here’s a compilation of the pairs of words which have appeared in Words & Pictures Proofreading Tips as False Friends One, False Friends Two and False Friends Three.
The number next to each pair of words refers to one of the three links listed where you’ll find the appropriate definitions:
1 False Friends One
2 False Friends Two
3 False Friends Three
1 affect / effect
1 allude / elude
2 alternately / alternatively
1 asterisk / Asterix
3 auger / augur
3 bated / baited
2 biannual / biennial
3 censor / censure
1 choose / chose
3 continually /continuously
3 crochet / crotchet
3 cue / queue
3 curb / kerb
1 currant / current
1 defuse / diffuse
3 desert / dessert
2 discreet / discrete
3 disinterested / uninterested
1 drier /dryer
3 eclipse / ellipse
1 elegy / eulogy
1 elicit / illicit
3 empathy / sympathy
3 enervate / invigorate
2 envelop /envelope
1 faze / phase
2 fictional / fictitious
3 flair / flare
2 flaunt / flout
1 flounder / founder
3 foment / ferment
2 geezer / geyser
2 grisly / grizzly
2 hummus / humus
3 imply / infer
2 impracticable / impractical
2 intense / intensive
1 lama / llama
3 libel / slander
2 loath / loathe
1 loose / lose
2 luxuriant / luxurious
1 mannequin / manikin
1 maudlin / mawkish
2 parameter / perimeter
1 pastiche / parody
1 pedal / peddle
3 perquisite / prerequisite
3 prevaricate / procrastinate
3 principal / principle
2 raise / raze
1 rebut / refute
3 redolent / resonant
2 regretful / regrettable
2 silicon / silicone
1 slight / sleight
1 stationary / stationery
2 torpid / torrid
2 tortuous / torturous
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