When a small group of four dedicated children’s writers gathered for its first SCBWI British Isles region meetings in 1996, they probably had no idea that it would grow into an organization of over 800 members, that it would organize over 30 yearly events plus a large national conference, or that the modest printed newsletter they initiated would turn into this fabulous blog. Little by little, volunteer by volunteer, we have built the most successful SCBWI international region, whose authors and illustrators are taken seriously by the British publishing industry.  


So how did we go from staggeringly clueless to astoundingly successful? When I took on the role of Regional Advisor in 1998, I had a vision for how to grow our region. Yet, I don’t think I quite dared to dream it like it is today. I am so happy to have been part of the creation of this wonderful regional chapter that has helped so many achieve their publishing dreams, improve their craft and make new connections. Importantly, though, I couldn’t have done it without the many, many dedicated volunteers, who stepped up with all kinds of skills and time and enthusiasm, but most of all a ‘can-do’ attitude. It is their ideas and vibrant energy coupled with all of our members’ individual contributions that give SCBWI-BI the synergy that it has today. 
Natascha Biebow & London Networks Organizer, Tania Tay,
celebrating SCBWI BI's 20th anniversary in London

It is a joy to celebrate the success of our members and our region. Who knows what will be around the corner in the future? Could YOU hold the key to the next big idea?

Natascha Biebow, Regional Advisor (Chair), SCBWI-BI

Congratulations to all the 2016 Outstanding Contribution Recipients! 

Our longest-standing volunteers say cheers:
Jan Carr, John Shelley, Anita Loughrey, Natascha Biebow, Kathy Evans
Benjamin Scott, Clare Bell, Candy Gourlay, Anne-Marie Perks, Mo O'Hara.


  1. Thanks to everyone who make SCBWI British Isles a wonderful home.

  2. What Candy said, so wonderful to be part of this amazing organisation x

  3. Absolutely agree, what a great bunch of selfless, sharing, inviting, warm hearted and knowledgeable volunteers!

  4. Thank you so much - I feel a lightweight (which is unusual for me!) compared to everyone else, so honoured at only 4 years to be included with such a marvellous group of lovely lovely people.


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