FROM YOUR EDITORS The Crystal Kite Awards 2017

It’s Crystal Kite time, folks! Get reading and voting for your faves. Words & Pictures Co-editor, Claire Watts, explains what it’s all about and how you can vote. 

What are the Crystal Kite Awards? 

The annual Crystal Kite Awards are peer-given awards to recognise great books from 15 SCBWI regional divisions around the world. UK and Ireland members can vote on their favourites to win the region’s SCBWI-BI award (see below). Winners receive a crystal, engraved kite award, an opportunity to present at a regional conference, a silver sticker for their winning book, and one winner will be chosen to present at the LA Summer Conference.

Which books are eligible? 

The award is for traditionally published books published in the previous year. (There are other SCBWI awards for self-published authors – check out the SCBWI website.)

What’s on the 2017 shortlist? 

We’ve now reached the second round of this year’s Crystal Kites and the shortlist is out. Our region’s shortlisted books are:

How can I vote? 

You can only vote for the titles in your region and you can only vote once in each round.
  1. Log onto and click on your MY HOME page. 
  2. Go to the left navigation bar, scroll to the bottom and click on Vote in the Crystal Kite Awards
  3. That takes you to the voting page where all of the books in your region appear. Click the VOTE FOR THIS BOOK button below your chosen book. 

What’s the deadline? 

Round 2 voting ends April 30, 2017, so you’ve still got time to check out any of the books you haven’t read yet before you vote. Winners will be announced May 18, 2017.

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