BLOG BREAK Notebooks, Night-time and New Novels

Nick Cross presents his fortnightly selection of must-read blogs.

Unbelievably, this is the last Blog Break of the year, due to our traditional December break to make way for the advent calendar. So I've crammed in an extra-large helping of bloggy goodness this week.

The Interesting Times book tour is not about vintage bus timetables (thankfully), but a chance for three SCBWI-BI authors to join forces. Tracey Mathias tells us all about it.

I like solving problems (that's what my day job's all about) and it turns out that Tracy Darnton likes them too. Here she is blogging about how that guides her style of writing.

How much is your writing worth? Ann Brady reports back from a recent Byte the Book panel event.

Some absolutely gorgeous illustrations in our next blog post from Paeony Lewis. How have people tackled the task of illustrating the night in children's picture books?

Over to Notes from the Slushpile for a great look at the five stages of friendship from Addy Farmer. (I think I'm probably a stage 4 friend with Addy, but she's welcome to comment on that!)

Staying with the Slushies, Candy Gourlay is starting a new novel. Hooray! Aargh! Read her post to find out why the process never gets any easier.

Like many writers, Claire Fayers has lots of notebooks. But what does she use them for? Find out in her post for An Awfully Big Blog Adventure.

Kelly McCaughrain is in the green room, not eating any snacks. Instead, she's put together a trove of useful knowledge gleaned from other writers at literary events.


Feature image: Blog Break logo by Nick Cross

Nick Cross is Words & Pictures' Blog Network Editor. An Undiscovered Voices winner, he both writes and illustrates for children, and was honours winner of the SCBWI Magazine Merit Award for fiction.

Nick also blogs for Notes from the Slushpile. His most recent blog post asks the question: Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Human Writers?.


  1. Thanks, Nick. THe next time I go to Mount Doom, I want you there!

  2. Thanks, Nick. I enjoyed hunting down all the night illustrations.


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