SPECIAL FEATURE Words & Pictures – a brighter fresher feel


Have you spotted something different about Words & Pictures today? W&P Art Director Su Dore introduces our new look.

At the beginning of the year, Claire Watts (W&P Editor) asked me to come up with a new header, which reflected a mix of some of our members' work. 

“Ok,” I said, “that shouldn’t be too difficult. New year, new header, I thought. Good idea.” 


What a fool I was. Little did I know how long it would take before it actually made it out into the big wide world/web. I honestly thought it would take weeks, not months. Me, naïve, maybe?  

I spent January thinking. Ok, so how do I ‘actually’ create it? I came up with a plan and talked it through with Claire. 

In February, I wrote an article asking SCBWI illustrators to send in some hand-drawn letters. 

Several months later, after much fiddling with photoshop, learning some html, and many emails back and forth…. 

Ta da! We have a new header. 


Thank you everyone who submitted letters – they were truly amazing. This made it a tough choice to get the right mix of legibility and cohesiveness. 

In no particular order, artists who have contributed to this final design are: Claire Lewis, Irene Silvino, Soni Speight, Kate Peebles, Imogen Foxell, Jan Barger, Annie Harris, Sophie Elliot, Chantal Bourgonje and Suzanne Dore. 

A massive THANK YOU to you, without you it wouldn’t exist. I hope you like it. 

Note to self: It can take a while to get things done, but with a bit of patience and a bit of persistence… things can happen. 


Suzanne Dore is a graphic designer, illustrator and writer. She has illustrated for the National Trust and the University of Oxford as well as many private commissions. 





  1. Thanks for all your hard work doing the new look, Su - it looks amazing!

    1. Thank you, it was a fun project to create, and make everyone's letters work together so well.


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