COMICS Penny & Inka


I'm a writer!

 Comic: Sarah Lovell; Author: Tibo Torelli


If you would like to submit an idea or get briefed on our Comics feature, please do let us know!


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 is a British illustrator. She has loved to draw for as long as she can remember. After studying art to a degree level, she now creates illustrations for picture books using a mixture of traditional and digital media. Her main inspirations are nature, wildlife, and magic. 


His passport is British, his accent is French, his name is Italian and his drama is Korean. Tibo lives in Stirling and joined SCBWI in March 2022. He recently became one of Scotland's Network Organisers. He has been writing since the age of 10 and pursued a career as a scriptwriter in London for 12 years before moving to Scotland. He writes picture books the perfect media for his stories – he is in awe of illustrators and how they can visually tell a story and he enjoys the challenge of writing a complete story in a few words.


*Header image: In-house collaboration between Ell Rose and Tita Berredo

Ell Rose
 is the Illustration Features Editor of Words & Pictures
Find their work at 
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Contact them at 


Tita Berredo is the Illustrator Coordinator of SCBWI British Isles and the Art Director of Words & Pictures. She has a Master's degree in Children's Literature and Illustration from Goldsmiths UOL and a background in marketing and publicity.   

Follow her on Instagram and Twitter or 

Contact her at:


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