Eric Heyman Small BIG Celebration

By Charlotte Comley

I was really pleased to have an illustrator get in touch for a change. Since I am a writer, I often forget the highs and lows our fellow illustrators have while seeking representation. So it’s a great pleasure to share Eric’s news.  I'm sure it won't be long before I will be posting more success stories for Eric.

Eric Heyman writes:

I sent my portfolio into Claire Cartey. She replied very quickly saying she thought I had great potential so we set up a meeting in London. I met Claire first and then Penny joined us, I was quite nervous, but they were so friendly and easy to talk to and made me feel at home so the meeting went very well. I thought things over on the weekend and then Claire sent the terms and conditions to me. This is so exciting. Finally I’ve been accepted as an illustrator and by Holroyde & Cartey.


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