A Summer of Celebrations - Happy Birthday SCBWI British Isles (Network News)

A Summer of Celebrations - Happy Birthday 
By Marie Basting

This year marks the twentieth anniversary of SCBWI British Isles. To celebrate, the Networks will be hosting a Summer of Celebrations, with birthday gatherings across the country

The party starts in London on 20th June with brunch, a sketch crawl and, then in true London style, a party in the pub. In other Networks, there’ll be picnics in the park, tea parties, sketch-crawls and book swaps. Look out for further details. If you haven’t managed to make a network meet so far, then this is your perfect chance to come along and meet other local members and to find out more about what your network offers.

Each network is different. Based on the needs of members, they offer a wide range of events and development opportunities across the British Isles.  And whilst many of the networks offer more formal workshops and critique groups, it is the social opportunities, peer support and friendship that many members value the most.

Let’s raise our tea cups to another twenty years of network friendship.

How To Get Involved

Find out more about your local Network here. your network organiser would love to hear from you. And if your network doesn’t yet offer what you are looking for, let us know. Better still, get involved and help organise it yourself – our networks are only as strong as our volunteers. 

Marie, your Networks Coordinator, and a cake. However your network is celebrating, there will be lots of cake.

After many years of working as a Change Manager, Marie Basting decided she fancied a change herself. So she took redundancy and signed up for the MA Creative Writing at Manchester Writing School. She now spends her days in imaginary worlds with imaginary people, coming back to reality occasionally to read dubious academic journals. Marie is the SCBWI British Isles Networks Coordinator. She lives in Manchester with her husband, son and a giant shaggy dog called Polly.

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