Twenty Years of SCBWI British Isles – The Summer of Celebrations Continues (Network News)

Congratulations to our London Network Organisers, Tania Tay and Karen Taylor, who launched our summer birthday celebrations in style with a full day of partying on the 20th June. We’ll feature more about the London celebrations soon. 
The party now moves to the East of the country with gatherings this weekend in our Central East and North East networks.  

North East – 2nd July

It’s a two centre birthday party for the North East, with your Network Organisers, Cathy Brumby and Marie-Claire Imam-Gutierrez, hosting celebrations in York and Newcastle . Things kick off at 11am, on Saturday 2nd of July, with a two-centred picnic. In Newcastle members will gather in Leazes Park, and in York it is all happening at the York Library. Members at both locations will be sharing their favourite books and we hope to link up the two events via Skype.
After the picnic, York, members are going to practice their elevator pitches, ready to tempt any agents they meet in the future. In Newcastle, weather permitting, there’ll be a birthday scrawl crawl. 
If you live in the North East and haven’t yet made contact with your local network, this is the perfect chance to put that right! E-mail Marie-Claire and Cathy at for more details.

Central East – 3rd July

The celebrations then move to Cambridge, where on Sunday 3rd July Nerwork Organiser, Helen Moss, will host a Wind in the Willows style picnic feast at Laundress Green, a lovely, leafy, spot on the banks of the River Cam, overlooking college gardens, quaint pubs and one of the main punting stations.
Members will gather from 11 am for a bring-and-share lunch, with dishes inspired by children’s books. Helen will be bringing lashings of ginger beer and jam tarts, of course.
After lunch, anyone who is feeling energetic can venture into Cambridge for a sketch crawl, or hire a punt for a trip down the river. The rest of us can sit and watch the world go by for an hour or two (the river will be teeming with punts and other boats – great for people-watching!) or find ourselves a quiet spot to read or write.
We hope lots of Central East members will come along, bringing friends, families and dogs with them – the more the merrier!
Now all we need is some sunshine . . . fingers crossed. For more details and directions to the location, please see the Events page.

The Networks offer SCBWI British Isles members a chance to get involved at a local level. Geared to the needs of members, they offer critique groups, workshops, socials, support, networking opportunities and much more. Find out more about your local Network here. 

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