Advent 13th December

Emma Graham

Click the thumbnail crop to see the whole illustration!

All of the growing Advent Calendar Gallery is here

December isn't all about illustration - writers we want you to join in too. Can you comment on our advent images with a tweetable micro story? @Words8Pictures and @SCBWI-BI will tweet those that fit into 140 characters with your twitter handle and #W8PAdvent.

Do you have a Tweetable micro story for
Emma's illustration?

Post it in the comments and we'll tweet it with#W8PAdvent and your Twitter handle

Don't forget to allow for the # and the @


  1. Let's build a winter hedgehog,
    A snowy lookalike,
    Help me fix his prickle sticks -
    A twig for every spike.

    @JennyWriteMoore #W8PAdvent

  2. Hurry up! Mum's going to notice we're not in bed any minute and we'll be in BIG trouble! #W8PAdvent @evangelinecluck

    1. Haha, was just about to belatedly write something almost identical, but you've nailed it better, Claire :-)

  3. Huddled round the snow hog,
    The hedgehogs loved his prickles,
    "I bet he likes his hedge-hugs too...
    Though he'd be hard to tickle!"


  4. Aw thank you all for your lovely mini stories!

  5. Outside in the snow, the playmates were freezing,
    “Stop tickling my nose!” said the Snedgehog- sneezing!
    #W8PAdvent @FrancesTosdevin

  6. Outside in the snow, the playmates were freezing,
    “Stop tickling my nose!” said the Snedgehog, sneezing,
    #W8PAdvent @FrancesTosdevin

    I'm confused.... my tweets keep being taken down! This is the second or third time I have posted this and it has gone up, but then been removed? Any reason?


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