Advent 5th December

John Shelley 

Click the thumbnail crop to see the whole illustration!

All of the growing Advent Calendar Gallery is here

December isn't all about illustration - writers we want you to join in too. Can you comment on our advent images with a tweetable micro story? @Words8Pictures and @SCBWI-BI will tweet those that fit into 140 characters with your twitter handle and #W8PAdvent.

Do you have a Tweetable micro story for
John's illustration?

Post it in the comments and we'll tweet it with#W8PAdvent and your Twitter handle

Don't forget to allow for the # and the @


  1. Hurl. Duck. Whizz. Splat,
    Crouch. Aim. Freeze.
    Lob. Thwack. Roll. Scoop
    Numb hands...Sneeze!


  2. A snowy scene of joy
    All across the hills.
    Valleys peal with laughter,
    Fun and games and thrills!

    @AlistairLane #W8PAdvent

  3. Follow me to happiness,
    to merry cheeks aglow,
    to patchworked dreams of fields in white
    & laughter in the snow
    #w8padvent @JennyWriteMoore

  4. Someone must want a dog for Christmas, said Ralph. How about you in the yellow coat? I’m fully house trained. #W8PAdvent @riewriting


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