Agent Confidential: Yasmin Standen
Name: Yasmin Standen
Agency: Standen Literary Agency
Genres represented: Children’s fiction, YA and some non-fiction
Authors you represent and recent deals:
Emily Nagle – Look How Big the Sky Is (YA) – currently in submission.
Louise Cliffe-Minns – The Girl Who Sold the World (Middle Grade) – going through edits with me.
Zara Kane – Fish For Alexander (YA) – awaiting final draft.
Cynthia Spillman – From Dinner Date to Soul Mate (non-fiction) – in submission.
We are also in the process of taking on a couple of new authors later this month!
What’s on your wishlist #MSWL?
Children’s thriller, more Middle Grade and YA please! If we are too specific about genres, it narrows it down too much – we are all about the stories!
What is your working style with clients (eg how editorial are you)?
This really depends on the novel – some require cosmetic editing, whilst others a structural edit. Always ready to roll my sleeves up and get stuck in. It’s vital to be on the same page as the author (pardon the pun!). The magic happens when you share the same vision as the author.
Do you choose books with head or heart?
Heart, every time… Is there really any other way? As an agent, you champion your authors and you have to love the novels you represent. You can’t fake it – it has to be genuine.
Which book or character has stayed with you since childhood?
A Fish Out of Water by Helen Palmer & P.D. Eastman – it was the first book I borrowed from the public library aged 5… I’d read all the books in the school library and this book started a lifelong love for public libraries.
Which house would the sorting hat put you in?
Gryffindor – Because I believe we should all strive to live everyday with courage in our hearts and not fear, take a brave leap of faith in all walks of life (especially work!), hold our nerve no matter what life throws at us and be kind and chivalrous always!
How to submit to you:
We only accept submissions via email. Therefore, please email us at: and Natasha or I will aim to get back to you as soon as we can!
Submission tips:
In the first instance, please email the first three chapters and a one-page synopsis which includes the story arc – this is vital to us as we need to know how the story pans out. If we feel we can work with you, edit the novel etc., we will request the full MS. If you can include a little information about yourself/why you wrote the novel, it helps us to connect with you.
Twitter: @yasminstanden
Any upcoming events you have:
We are going to be running a literary festival alongside Midsummer Muswell in June 2017.
@KatakusM |
Follow her on Twitter: @KatakusM
Louisa Glancy is a features editor for Words & Pictures.
Twitter: @Louisa Glancy
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