Name: Megan Carroll
Agency: Watson, Little Ltd
Genres represented:
All fiction for children from picture books all the way up to YA. I’m also on the lookout for illustrators and women’s fiction in the book club/crossover area.
Authors you represent and recent deals:
Rose Alexander has two women’s fiction titles with HQ at HarperCollins (the second out this month) and an author with a pseudonym yet to be confirmed has a book coming out this summer with Killer Reads at HarperCollins. Sophie Claire my fantastic romance writer is currently on submission. Bryony Cousins and Alice Viccajee head up my picture book list with beautiful stories and incredible illustrations for young children. For middle grade I have Hugo Saye who has a fantastic James Bond meets Indiana Jones adventure series out on submission. Jennifer Bromham and Hayley Hoskins are my young adult authors and are both working on their debut novels.
What’s on your wishlist #MSWL?
I’d love to find a really scary horror – either for children or adults. I’m always on the lookout for illustrators with a unique style and I’d love to find some really good and diverse authors writing YA that represents real people with real problems.
What is your working style with clients (eg how editorial are you)?
It depends on the author and how much support they want or need. If the book needs work I’m not afraid to get stuck in!
Do you choose books with head or heart?
Oh, always always heart.
Which book or character has stayed with you since childhood?
Poppy Picklesticks in Philip Ridley’s Vinegar Street – I loved how odd and unique she was. Harry Potter was a huge part of my childhood and A Series of Unfortunate Events, I loved how different it was to the normal ‘good triumphs over evil’. It wasn’t that black and white! I had a serious obsession with Jacqueline Wilson too – The Suitcase Kid, The Illustrated Mum, Dustbin Baby… have I gone on too much?
If you were a character in Philip Pullman's Dark Materials which daemon would you have and why?
This is such a hard question! I’m going to have to go with a red fox but I’m not sure what he’d be called – they’re cautious but cunning, solitary but loyal. And…we both have red hair.
How to submit to you:
All our submission details are on our website and if you put FAO: Megan Carroll it will make it to me!
Submission tips:
A general submission tip for any author looking for any agent – check out their client list and what the agency represents. Show an interest in what that agent is doing and make sure they’re definitely right for you. For example, don’t send a non-fiction proposal to an agent that doesn’t represent that. Do your homework!
Twitter: @MeganACarroll
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Kate Walker |
Follow her on Twitter: @KatakusM
Louisa Glancy is a features editor for Words & Pictures.
Twitter: @Louisa Glancy
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