EVENTS An insider's guide to: Industry Insiders

The next Industry Insiders evening is on 18th April - when children's writers will be able to hear not one but two award-winning authors and their agents talk about the rocky road to publication. Words and Pictures Events Editor Fran Price talks to Industry Insiders coordinator Mandy Rabin about the forthcoming event.

Q: Industry Insiders: what’s it all about?

A: Our Industry Insiders series provides an opportunity for SCBWI members and non-members to meet and network with authors and publishing industry professionals, and to find out first-hand how the publishing industry works. This can be really useful in helping writers improve their chances of getting their work picked up by agents and in getting published.

Q: Who’s it for?

A: The series is aimed at un-agented, agented and published authors of children's and YA fiction.

Q: Who’s speaking at the event on 18th April?

A: Kathryn Evans and Sue Wallman are both veteran SCBWI members and award-winning YA authors and, along with their agents, Sophie Hicks and Becky Bagnell, they will be talking about their journeys to publication.

Kathryn Evans had a long and rocky road to publication.
Picture credit: Chris Close.

Q: What can participants hope to get out of it?

A: Both authors had a long and arduous path to publication. By hearing about how they coped with rejections and setbacks, what spurred them on and what factors helped them find agents, get published and win awards, participants can hopefully learn lessons and receive inspiration for their own writing journeys. Plus there will be time to chat informally with other SCBWI members, and with our guest authors and agents.

Q: I don't live in London, can I listen in or view it online?

A: Unfortunately not, but you'll be able to read a report in Words and Pictures following the event.

Sue Wallman will talk about how she coped with rejections and setbacks.
Picture credit:  C. Buckingham.

Q: Where is it being held and how much?

A: It's being held on Wednesday 18th April, 6:30 to 9pm, in room 106 at The City Lit, 1-10 Keeley Street, London WC2B 4BA. Cost: £12 members, £18 non-members, which includes a glass of wine or a soft drink. Book here.

*Featured image: Fran Price using

Mandy Rabin writes middle-grade fantasy adventure fiction and helps run the SCBWI London Industry Insiders series. Her agent is Stephanie Thwaites at Curtis Brown Group.


Fran Price is Events Editor for Words and Pictures. She writes middle-grade fiction and picture books, and also works in a primary school. If you have a children's publishing event to shout about or you'd like to report on one, contact her at Follow her on Twitter @FranGPrice.

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