BLOG BREAK Questions and Answers
Nick Cross presents his fortnightly selection of must-read blogs.
Rowena House is asking questions. Luckily for us, they aren't questions like "Is this my cup of tea?" or "Can I have the last biscuit?", but rather six questions she asks about every scene to help drive tension, character and plot.
Kelly McCaughrain just can't stop blogging! The evidence for this is in her latest post for An Awfully Big Blog Adventure, in which she reveals a further new blog called The Blank Page. The new blog sounds well worth checking out, as it’s going to provide support and resources for anyone who’d like to run creative writing groups for teenagers.
B B Taylor is imagining a world without words. The horror! Her blog post investigates the legacy of library closures and wonders if the trend can be reversed.
How do you get the best out of a writing retreat? Claire Watts took two weeks out in perfect solitude and achieved some extraordinary results, as she details in her blog post.
Finally, here are a couple of perspectives on the SCBWI-BI conference. Catherine Rosevear is still recovering, while Jennifer Moore takes an unusual time travel spin on the weekend and discusses the joys of seeing her book cover on a cake!
*Feature image: Blog Break logo by Nick Cross
Nick Cross is Words & Pictures' Blog Network Editor. An Undiscovered Voices winner, he both writes and illustrates for children, and was honours winner of the SCBWI Magazine Merit Award for fiction.
Nick also blogs for Notes from the Slushpile. His most recent post sees him teaming up with his agent Heather Cashman, for an investigation of the value of comp titles.
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