NETWORK NEWS 2019 Events in December

Network News Editor, Janey Robinson, shares SCBWI events coming up in December across the British Isles.

In the middle of all the Christmas preparations, SCBWI Networks have some fantastic events for their members, just to crank up the excitement a bit more! Get Christmassy by joining a critique group, coffee and chat, or casual meet-up.

SCBWI events in December

2 DECEMBER London Christmas Party 18:00 - 23:00, The Silver Cross, 33 Whitehall, Westminster, - London, SW1A 2BX. Now booking. £20 for members.

2 DECEMBER Wales Coffee and catch-up 11:00 - 13:00, The Angel Hotel, 15 Cross St, Abergavenny, NP7 5EN.

7 DECEMBER Scotland Winter Social 14:00 - 17:00, Spoon, 6A Nicolson Street - Edinburgh, EH8 9DH. Spaces available.   

7 DECEMBER South West Rogue Critters (regular MG/YA critique group) 10:00, Bookbarn International, BS39 6EX Stay for a veggie lunch if you want to!

7 DECEMBER Wales Coffee and catch up 10:30 - 12:30, Pethau Da (upstairs), 2 Mansel St, Carmarthen SA31 1QX. Please contact to confirm date

8 DECEMBER Wales Coffee and catch-up 11:00 - 13:00, Waterstones Cafe, The Old Carlton Cinema, 17 Oxford St, Swansea SA1 3AG

10 DECEMBER Wales Critique group 20:00, Discussion topic TBC but it's a Christmas themed event, with a book Secret Santa and quiz! Feedback will be given on submitted pieces. Contact Zoë Thomas: for more information

10 DECEMBER London Pictures at Play Biennial Exhibition of illustrators' work opens at the Westminster Reference Library, 35 Saint Martin's Street, London WC2H 7HP. Hours Monday through Friday 10:00 - 20:00, Saturday 10:00 - 17:00.

14 DECEMBER London Pictures at Play Grand Opening Launch and talk for exhibiting artists and industry professionals, sale of books by these illustrators at the launch party, sale of prints by private arrangement, workshops and events for children and families.

14 DECEMBER South East Coffee and chat 10:30 - 12:00, Garage Coffee, Jewry Lane, Canterbury. Please contact for more details.

19 DECEMBER South East Meet-up 19:30, Cowherds Pub, Southampton Common. Please let us know if you are coming in advance in case of any changes to our schedule:

21 DECEMBER Central West Monthly critique group 10:00, Waterstones Birmingham Cafe, 24-26 High Street.

Events Now Booking

2 DECEMBER London Christmas party 18:00 - 23:00, The Silver Cross, Whitehall

24 JANUARY London Writing a submission letter workshop with Roisin Heycock, 18:30, Room 106, City Lit, 1 - 10 Keeley Street - London, WC2B 4BA

25 JANUARY London Boot camp 10:30 - 17:30, Goldsmith, University of London, New Cross

1 FEBRUARY Scotland 'When to Press Send' with literary agent Jenny Savill, Director of Andrew Nurnberg Associates 12:30 - 16:30, Edinburgh Central Library

Future Events to Watch Out For

12 JANUARY Wales Critique group 14:00 - 16:00, Waterstones cafe (upstairs), 2A The Hayes, Cardiff (city centre), CF10 1WB

11 JANUARY, 8 FEBRUARY and 7 MARCH North West Critique meetings

5 FEBRUARY London Agents 1-2-1 17:00 - 19:00, Holy Trinity CE Primary School, 1 Sedding Street - London, SW1X 9DE

10-12 MARCH London Book Fair social TBC

25 APRIL North East Martyn Bedford Workshop on Creating characters in MG/YA 14:00 - 16:00, York Central Library

AUTUMN Central West From First Draft and a Clear Voice events in planning, dates and times TBC

AUTUMN North East Critique meetings Dates decided each month via Facebook poll

AUTUMN Wales Coffee and catch up December date TBC, Food for Thought cafe, Gladstone’s Library, Church Lane, Hawarden, CH5 3DF

WINTER Central East Book Club: I Have No Secrets by Penny Joelson Date TBA

SPRING North East Lynne Chapman illustrator workshop Rescheduling

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Header Image: Niki Leonidou. Niki graduated from the Kent Institute of Art & Design in 2000 and has been working as a freelance children's book illustrator since then. More than 180 books with her work have been published worldwide. She is also a published author in Greece. Her picture book Looking for Misty was nominated for the International Award for best picture book concept in Hasselt, Belgium, in 2014. She loves teaching art to children and has occasionally worked as an art teacher. Follow Niki on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.


Janey Robinson is the Network News Editor for Words & Pictures. A SCBWI member since 2015, Janey mainly writes picture books with YA fantasy a more recent passion. She lives in North London but escapes to wide-open spaces whenever possible, particularly places where you can see the Milky Way on a clear night. Twitter: @sjlrobinson

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