NETWORKS NEWS 2020 Events in January

Network News Editor, Anne Boyere, shares SCBWI events coming up in January across the British Isles.

There are many people involved behind the scenes to bring you news about the SCBWI Networks' monthly events: organisers for our ten regions in the British Isles and our fantastic ARA Networks, Marie Basting. Marie is stepping down this year and we would like to extend a massive thank you to her for transforming the Networks and making them what they are today. We are very grateful for all she's contributed.

It will be no mean feat for Catherine Whitmore to fill in Marie's shoes and take over as ARA Networks! Catherine has been a SCBWI's North-West Network Organiser for around five years. She writes YA fiction and is represented by Polly Nolan.

Catherine says:
I am eager to put my experience as a SCBWI volunteer to good use in building upon the amazing foundations that Marie Basting has laid in the Networks.
Welcome Catherine! (who can be reached at

Now, while you recycle unwanted Christmas gifts in January, why not recycle old story ideas too?  And as a New Year's resolutions, you could start attending one of the fantastic SCBWI Networks social or critique group! Check out the events that will start 2020 with a bang...

SCBWI events in January

11 JANUARY North West Critique meeting Please get in touch with for details and to confirm date

11 JANUARY Wales Coffee and catch up 10:30 -  12:30, Pethau Da (upstairs), 2 Mansel St, Carmarthen SA31 1QX

12 JANUARY Wales Coffee and catch-up 14:00 - 16:00, Waterstones cafe (upstairs), 2A The Hayes, Cardiff (city centre), CF10 1WB

12 JANUARY Wales Coffe and catch-up  11:00 - 13:00, Waterstones Cafe, The Old Carlton Cinema, 17 Oxford St, Swansea SA1 3AG

20 JANUARY Scotland Picture Book critique group 10:30 - 13:00, Waterstones Princes Street,
128 Princes Street - Edinburgh, EH2 4AD

24 JANUARY London Industry Insiders Workshop: How to Write an Agent Submission Letter 18:30 - 21:00, Room 106, The City Lit, 1 - 10 Keeley Street - London, WC2B 4BA

25 JANUARY London Boot camp 10:30 - 17:30, Goldsmith, University of London, New Cross

Events Now Booking

1 FEBRUARY Scotland 'When to Press Send' with literary agent Jenny Savill, Director of Andrew Nurnberg Associates 12:30 - 16:30, Edinburgh Central Library

7 MARCH London Author Masterclass: Industry Perspective with Rachel Hickman, Deputy Managing Director, Chicken House Books 12:00 - 16:00, Theodore Bullfrog Pub, First floor meeting room, 26-30 John Adam Street - London, WC2N 6HL

Future Events to Watch Out For

8 FEBRUARY and 7 MARCH North West Critique meetings

18 FEBRUARY Scotland Edinburgh Picture Book Critique Group 10:30 - 13:00, Waterstones Princes Street, 128 Princes Street - Edinburgh, EH2 4AD

10-12 MARCH London Book Fair social TBC

25 APRIL North East Martyn Bedford Workshop on Creating characters in MG/YA 14:00 - 16:00, York Central Library

WINTER Central East Book Club: I Have No Secrets by Penny Joelson Date TBA

SPRING North East Lynne Chapman illustrator workshop Rescheduling

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Header Image: Niki Leonidou. Niki graduated from the Kent Institute of Art & Design in 2000 and has been working as a freelance children's book illustrator since then. More than 180 books with her work have been published worldwide. She is also a published author in Greece. Her picture book Looking for Misty was nominated for the International Award for best picture book concept in Hasselt, Belgium, in 2014. She loves teaching art to children and has occasionally worked as an art teacher. Follow Niki on InstagramFacebook, or Twitter.


Anne is a writer and a breastfeeding counsellor. She is fluent in English and French but, please, don't ask her to do maths in English or her brain will fry. You can ask her about her four children, husband and cat and she will happily tell you all about them until you beg for mercy. She won the 2018 Winchester's Writers' Festival prize in Funny Fiction for her story about a grandmother were-cow, which she is determined to submit to agents till the cows come home.
In her spare time, she murders violin pieces or dreams about being invited to Desert Island Discs (spoiler: her book of choice would be Eloise).
Twitter: @AmusedNonQueen

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