EVENTS What's on in 2020

This could be THE year… 
Events Editor Fran Price highlights some key SCBWI events happening in the next few months designed to keep children's writers and illustrators in a state of flow.

The glitter and edible tinsel has either been swept up, or eaten and it's finally time to face it, 2020 is here to stay. And there are SCBWI events aplenty to help you hone your craft, network and consume copious amounts of coffee and cake. Not every event is announced on the What's On page, so keep an eye on Network News, which is the weekly post for Words & Pictures, plus the regional SCBWI Facebook groups. By the way, you can join any or all of them, not just your own region — many events are well worth travelling for!


When to press send

1.2.20, 12:30pm - 4:30pm, Edinburgh Central Library

Literary agent Jenny Savill, director of Andrew Nurnberg Associates, will advise on when's the right time to put the red pen away and press that button.

Says Jenny: 'Before you press SEND, I will show you how to pause, take a breath, and properly assess the readiness of your manuscript. You will leave with a detailed check-list of things to attend to before submitting, to give your manuscript the best possible chance out there in agent-land.'

The workshop will include practical help through individual and group exercises. Jenny will also help with your query letter, synopsis and blurb.


London Author Masterclass - Industry Perspective with Rachel Hickman of Chicken House Books

7.3.20, 12pm-4pm, Theodore Bullfrog Pub

The first in this year's series of popular Author Masterclasses, which are all SOLD OUT. They will not be operating a waiting list this year, but there are often cancellations nearer the date, so keep an eye out on Facebook.


Query Letters with Agent Gemma Cooper of The Bent Agency

25.4.20, 2-3.30pm, Cambridge Central Library

For writers of all levels, the group will discuss the things that should be included in query letters, and share some poor examples to see if people can spot what went wrong. Participants will be given a query letter template and encouraged to work on their own queries in small groups, with Gemma moving around the groups. A similar process will be given for opening pages – poor examples, what to avoid and a group session if time.

Creating Characters with Martyn Bedford

25.4.20, 2-4pm York Central Library

Join award-winning novelist Martyn Bedford and learn the secret to creating memorable characters — the heart of good storytelling in children’s literature. This will be a practical workshop aimed at authors of young adult and middle-grade fiction. Martyn will use short-burst exercises to explore what makes a character and help you to create some of your own.


London Author Masterclass - Plot perfect with Patrice Lawrence

(see above, March. SOLD OUT, but keep an eye for cancellations on Facebook.)

For more information about SCBWI events click here.

Header image: Jamie Street on Unsplash


Fran Price is Events Editor for Words & Pictures, the online magazine for SCBWI-BI. Contact her at Twitter: @FranGPrice

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