New Releases
Maisie Chan is kicking Summer into action with this fast-paced adventure. An epic battle between good and evil drive the first in this new series, as schoolboy Jack takes on a new role as the Tiger Warrior armed with the animal powers of the Chinese Zodiac. With a brilliant cast of magical animal zodiac creatures, deadly demons and spine-tingling spirits, this series is for fans of Adam Blade and Percy Jackson. Published by Hachette.
Paul Morton is bouncing into summer with his latest book, Bug Belly, Froggy Rescue, published by five quills. The froglets are having a sleepover and wishing on shooting stars with their favourite uncle. Splish dreams of an exciting adventure...
Jenny Moore is celebrating this month as her fourth MG Novel The Misadventures of Nicholas Nabb has been released with Maverick. It's a funny, fast-paced Victorian adventure (Oliver Twist meets The Greatest Showman), brimming with danger, mystery and pies! The amazing cover art is by Marco Guadalupi.
Elizabeth Dale shares with us this month Delightfully Different Dilly – brilliantly illustrated by Liam Darcy published by Quarto on 20th July Dilly the baby penguin only has one leg. But does that hold her back or stop her having fun? No way! She happily shows all the other baby penguins - and their disapproving mums and dads - that she can do everything they can do - often in more fun ways! And that it's brilliant to be different.
Second up from Elizabeth Dale is Mix-Up Monday – brilliantly illustrated by Louise Forshaw published by Maverick on 28th July. In this rhyming text, when Farmer Fred wakes up half-asleep one Monday morning, the animals all decide to play tricks on him and poor confused Fred makes mistake after hilarious mistake. Only when he rides Daisy the cow thinking she’s a donkey and she tips him into the pond, does Fred fully wake up and realise that it’s Mix-Up Monday. He smiles with relief - totally forgetting what is still to come...
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