Bell Lomax Moreton
Genres represented:
Picture Books
Authors you represent and recent deals:
After being promoted in January I have had a whirlwind start to my list and have found some absolutely fantastic authors and illustrators, you can read about some of them here:
A great deal of the deals we have completed will be announced very soon…
What’s on your wishlist #MSWL?
I would absolutely love to be sent some cracking non-fiction picture book ideas from engaging voices with a growing platform. In regard to fiction, I am dying to read manuscripts that take traditional picture book hooks (bedtime, toilet training, alphabet and counting) and turn them on their head – the more unique the better! I am an absolute sucker for magical realism and have a burning passion to find authors and illustrators from underrepresented backgrounds.
What is your working style with clients?
At the agency, myself and my colleague Justine Smith (our very own Development editor) will work very closely with new talent to develop and polish ideas to give them the best chance with the publishers we submit their work to. At Bell Lomax Moreton, we are not afraid to roll our sleeves up and find authors/illustrators with buckets of potential and help guide them in the right direction.
Do you choose books with head or heart?
I would say a mixture of both. I may absolutely fall in love with an illustrator’s style or an author’s writing – however, if I believe the content wouldn’t suit the market, I am more than happy to brainstorm new ideas that would elevate an author’s/illustrator’s career.
Which house would the sorting hat put you in?
I am a Hufflepuff through and through – I believe I work hard, that I am dedicated to the success of my authors/illustrators and that I am incredibly loyal.
(P.S. my favourite colour is also yellow, so I may be slightly biased!)
How to submit to you:
You can find all the details to submit to me on our website here:
Submission tips:
In your email submission, as well as telling me about your ideas, don’t forget to tell me about yourself! I would love to know what picture books have inspired you to create your own, who is your favourite fictional character, what PB texts are you reading now?
Kate Walker is a feature writer for Words & Pictures. She mainly writes MG fantasy as well as dabbling in picture books whenever a character grabs her imagination. Kate lives in Kent with her two children who are addicted to stories just as much as she is. Twitter: @KatakusM
Suzanne Dore is a graphic designer, illustrator and writer. She has illustrated for the National Trust and the University of Oxford as well as many private commissions.
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