Be they echoes of tales from long ago, retellings or twisted and fractured mash-ups – fairytales never lose their appeal. This issue, author and Words & Pictures' Production Editor Tracy Curran discusses gender representation in fairytales.
While traditional fairytales and illustrations still have their place, modern twisted
tales challenge gender stereotypes. Illustration by Nora Racz
Tracy's favourite childhood fairytales (top) and her
twisted tale, Pumpkin's fairytale, illustrated by Wayne Oram
Research on this topic was fascinating. To summarise my findings, there are now an amazing array of original stories out there with ‘feisty feminine leads’, (a term I hear often), daring princesses and sensitive boys who can discuss their emotions. However, fairytales are considered particularly effective in challenging gender stereotypes because they provide us with a familiar reference which shows us how far society has evolved.
Let’s take some examples. Most adults and possibly some children will be familiar with Rapunzel, the story where a princess is rescued from a tower by a prince. However, in the picture book Rapunzel to the Rescue by Lucy Rowland and Katy Halford, it is a prince with a very long beard who is locked up in the tower and Rapunzel is the smart, poor villager who rescues him. In Don’t Mess With a Princess, by Rachel Valentine and Rebecca Bagley, three princess sisters defy their father’s orders and help the terrified knights hunt down a fierce ogre.
Both of these picture books challenge the role of traditional princesses
Cinderella is Dead explores the flaws of the original story
However, with the publication of books such as A Fairytale for Everyone by Boldizsár M Nagy and Lilla Bölecz it surely proves the point that fairytales are much-loved, culturally important stories that have the capacity to evolve time and time again in order to reflect and challenge our values.
Moving forward, therefore, gender representation is definitely something for a writer to bear in mind, whether penning a fairytale twist or not. Stereotyping can be done unintentionally but, with some clever thinking, our writing can help to empower and embolden the next generation.
Gender Swapped Fairy Tales was a unique experiment
*Header image: Tita Berredo; fairytale illo by Nora Racz;
all other images courtesy of Tracy Curran.
Tracy Curran is Production Editor for Words & Pictures and enjoys writing picture books, young fiction and lower middle grade novels. Known as Little Cornish Writer, you can find her on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
She also enjoys reviewing children's books on her blog The Breadcrumb Forest.
Tita Berredo is Illustrator Coordinator for SCBWI British Isles and Art Director of Words & Pictures. Contact illuscoordinator@britishscbwi.org
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