It's the start of a new year and we'd love to share your good news...
In 2024, we celebrated a wealth of achievements: writers and illustrators who had completed an MA, books nominated for awards, agent signings, and new deals and releases.
We know how tough this industry is and, as a supportive community, sharing in these highlights is always a joy. We'd love to feature lots more in 2025 and so if you have anything you'd like to celebrate, then please get in touch at production@britishscbwi.org.
We wish you all a productive and postive year ahead.
*Header image: Ell Rose & Tita Berredo
All other images provided by those celebrating
Tracy Curran is the Deputy Editor of Words & Pictures and enjoys writing picture books, young fiction and lower middle-grade novels. Known as Little Cornish Writer, you can find her on Instagram, X/Twitter and Facebook.
She also enjoys reviewing children's books on her blog The Breadcrumb Forest.
Ell Rose is the Illustration Features Editor of Words & Pictures.
Find their work at https://fourfooteleven.com
Contact them at illustrators@britishscbwi.org
Tita Berredo is the Illustrator Coordinator of SCBWI British Isles and the Art Director of Words & Pictures.
Follow her on Instagram and X/Twitter or www.titaberredo.com
Contact her at: illuscoordinator@britishscbwi.org.
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