Agent Confidential: Amber Caravéo

Amber Caravéo

Skylark Literary Limited

Genres represented:

All genres of fiction for all ages from 5 to YA/crossover novels. We currently do not represent picture books.

Authors you represent and recent deals:

Skylark is still quite new and it was set up with the intention of being a very select and boutique literary agency with a small list of absolutely top-notch clients. Therefore our list is tiny (we currently have 13 clients!) but growing – and we are actively seeking new talent. We represent Amy Wilson, A Girl Called Owl, coming from Macmillan in January 2017, Simon James Green, Noah Can’t Even, coming from Scholastic in spring 2017, and Em Lynas, Toadspit Towers, coming from Nosy Crow in autumn 2017, to name but a few. Em’s is our most recent deal – apart from one other which recently went to auction in both the US and the UK, but which I can’t talk about fully yet as it hasn’t been formally announced!

What’s on your wishlist #MSWL?

Great writing! It really is the single most important thing we look for. As well as that, I love adventures with a touch of magic, such as Holly Black’s Curse Workers trilogy or pretty much anything by Neil Gaiman. A story inspired by myth or fairy tale always appeals – but it does need to be done well and with originality. I’d love to find a great mystery or a truly atmospheric and intriguing ghost story. Voice is a great passion of mine and I’m always excited by a strong character with a distinctive voice that can give readers a new and interesting way into a story. I also love a good twist in the tale – something surprising and unexpected, whether that be in the concept, storyline or writing style. An original and exciting concept married to stand-out writing talent is at the heart of what I’m seeking (so no pressure then!).

What is your working style with clients (eg how editorial are you)?

I adapt my style to suit my authors – after all, everyone is different and wants a different level of attention and support. However, I am always editorial as I’m an editor by background, having learned my craft on the other side of the fence as a packager (with Working Partners) and then publisher (with Random House and Orion). I read everything with an editorial eye, always thinking about what I was looking for when I was an acquiring editor. One of Skylark’s strengths, in my view, is that by keeping our list small we are able to work closely with our authors, to help polish and shape their manuscripts so that publishers will snap them up! If you’re an author who doesn’t want to work with an editorial agent then Skylark definitely isn’t the right agency for you, but obviously not all agents work this way so there are plenty of other options.

Do you choose books with head or heart?

Oh, good, an easy one! Heart, heart, heart!

Which book or character has stayed with you since childhood?

So many! Winnie the Pooh, all The Famous Five books, Susan Cooper’s The Dark is Rising sequence, Fire and Hemlock by Diana Wynne Jones.

Harry Potter question: Which house would the sorting hat put you in?

Ravenclaw, I think. I love words and learning and clever wit (though sadly I can’t claim to be terribly witty myself!).

How to submit to you/Submission tips:

We like to see a good covering email – that tells us a little about the author as well as their book – together with a full manuscript and separate one-page synopsis attached as Word docs.

Twitter: @AmberCaraveo @SkylarkLit

Any upcoming events you have:
SCBWI event ‘Evening With Agents’ in London on January 16th 2017.

You have the opportunity to kick-start the New Year with an inspiring evening with Clelia Gore and Amber Caravéo on 16th January 2017. 
Pick up your manuscript and ideas and come along to have more of your questions answered in person!

IMPORTANT: Booking is currently for SCBWI Members only.

Click here for event details and to book. 

Kate Walker is a feature writer for Words & Pictures. She mainly writes MG fantasy as well as dabbling in picture books whenever a character grabs her imagination. Kate lives in Kent with her two children who are addicted to stories just as much as she is.
Follow her on Twitter: @KatakusM

Louisa Glancy is the Wednesday Features Editor for Words & Pictures. Contact:

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