Gary Sheppard |
Gary writes:
I would like to share the great news with everyone that my debut picture book - As Nice as Pie - is celebrating its book birthday on 28 November on Maverick Arts Publishing.
I have been submitting manuscripts to publishers and literary agents alike for many years but have only received rejections...until earlier this year when Maverick agreed to publish my story! When submitted it was entitled Revenge is Tweet and had a very different ending to the one it has now, but fortunately Maverick saw sufficient potential in it to work closely with me to revise it and increase its popularity with its 3-5 year old audience.
I'm extremely proud to finally be seeing my hard work pay off and for my words to be in print and being enjoyed by children and adults alike. And I absolutely love the illustrations by Tim Budgen - http://timbudgen.com
Twitter - @gary_shep
Facebook - www.facebook.com/garyjsheppardauthor
Website - garysheppard.co.uk
Amazon - www.amazon.co.uk/Gary-Sheppard
Charlotte Comley
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