Every picture...
Did I say last week that summer was exhausting? Well, it isn't over yet. Since I've been back from hols and festival frolicking I've been working with the wonderfully creative EU community in Southampton, mostly Polish but also Hungarian, English... and Geordie! They're all excellent photographers, taking part in the EU Welcome Photographic Exhibition in St. James' Park.
So far we've had a wine, canapé and Mayor attended preview on Friday night and a first gloriously sunny day of showing off the community's work to park visitors on Saturday - only another 13 to go!
Back in April we called for submissions and in July sifted through 150 plus images for the 60 we could print. For me, the best pictures have depth, not only visually but also narratively. There's a sense of what led to that moment, and a hint of what followed. They have mood, atmosphere and insight. They are all moments and the best tell stories.
I can't yet show you any of the individual photographs but I can show you this wonderful promotional video made by Peter Feher who arrived in the UK from Hungary just two months ago...
Our Words & Pictures week of moments have been equally inspiring from Philippa's writing oomph injections to this week's Ask an Agent tips on honing your pitch from Gemma and Molly and Jane Heinrich's excellent advice for presenting your portfolio - if you're having a portfolio review at the conference this is invaluable.
Regular contributor Celia Anderson stepped in for Nick as his Nick Clone 2 on the blog break and former SCBWI British Isles ARA, Benjamin Scott gave us a great report on the recent Norwich Writers' and Illustrators' Day.
Steph Williams reviewed what looks like an indispensable craft book for any soon to be published or soon to publish themselves authors and if you have something you want to shout about use our blow your own trumpet opportunity on this week's celebrations. Organising the EU Photographic exhibition has yet again confirmed to me that so many creative people have confidence levels inversely proportionate to their talent so if blowing your own trumpet is a bit too scary just whisper something you can be proud of in the comments.
Being September 1st, today also brings a new monthly theme and we're going for Everything Editorial. Holidays are over it's back to business so this coming week we have proofreadng tips from Catriona Tippin, our second Agent Confidential and Anne-Marie Perks will be reporting on the annual Illustration Showcase Exhibition, to be launched at the conference in November.
Have a great week!
Jan Carr is the editor of Words & Pictures. Her fiction is older middle grade, she blogs occasionally and loves to write in magenta. You can contact her at editor@britishscbwi.org.
So far we've had a wine, canapé and Mayor attended preview on Friday night and a first gloriously sunny day of showing off the community's work to park visitors on Saturday - only another 13 to go!
Back in April we called for submissions and in July sifted through 150 plus images for the 60 we could print. For me, the best pictures have depth, not only visually but also narratively. There's a sense of what led to that moment, and a hint of what followed. They have mood, atmosphere and insight. They are all moments and the best tell stories.
I can't yet show you any of the individual photographs but I can show you this wonderful promotional video made by Peter Feher who arrived in the UK from Hungary just two months ago...
Our Words & Pictures week of moments have been equally inspiring from Philippa's writing oomph injections to this week's Ask an Agent tips on honing your pitch from Gemma and Molly and Jane Heinrich's excellent advice for presenting your portfolio - if you're having a portfolio review at the conference this is invaluable.
Regular contributor Celia Anderson stepped in for Nick as his Nick Clone 2 on the blog break and former SCBWI British Isles ARA, Benjamin Scott gave us a great report on the recent Norwich Writers' and Illustrators' Day.
Steph Williams reviewed what looks like an indispensable craft book for any soon to be published or soon to publish themselves authors and if you have something you want to shout about use our blow your own trumpet opportunity on this week's celebrations. Organising the EU Photographic exhibition has yet again confirmed to me that so many creative people have confidence levels inversely proportionate to their talent so if blowing your own trumpet is a bit too scary just whisper something you can be proud of in the comments.
Being September 1st, today also brings a new monthly theme and we're going for Everything Editorial. Holidays are over it's back to business so this coming week we have proofreadng tips from Catriona Tippin, our second Agent Confidential and Anne-Marie Perks will be reporting on the annual Illustration Showcase Exhibition, to be launched at the conference in November.
Have a great week!
Jan Carr
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