Ten-Minute Blog Break - 11th February

It's nice to emerge from my hermit hut for a quick blog-reading break, as I've had my head down writing this last week. It's kind of weird not blogging myself at the moment, but also great to be spending so much more time in the world of my story.

Despite my current productivity, reading Julie Day's review of her 2014 writing goals made me feel positively slothful! It's great to see Julie following through with this and using the monthly SCBWI goal-setting brunches to stay on track.

There seems to be a motivational theme in the air, because Kathy Evans is sharing Eight Ways to Trick Yourself into Writing (BTW Kathy, I agree on gateway techniques - mine is taking a fifteen-minute walk every day before I start writing). Bryony Pearce, meanwhile, has the opposite problem, because she's stuck at the Procrastination Station and finding a myriad ways to prevent herself from writing! Perhaps these two should compare notes?

Another pair of posts turned up at Big Little Tales. In the first, Trish Phillips tells us about her trip to the Houses of Parliament as part of the "Born to Read" campaign. In a very different blog post, Anne-Marie Perks shares some colour roughs from her wordless picture book on domestic violence, showing how she creates drama through careful composition. The pictures certainly made me wince, which I guess is rather the point!

As creative people, we sow seeds all the time, without knowing if they'll bear fruit. A case in point is Nick Cook, who was one of the most enthusiastic attendees of the Transmedia session I ran at the 2012 SCBWI conference. Nick has really taken the idea of Transmedia and run with it, and the very tip of the iceberg is the amazing first teaser trailer for his forthcoming Cloud Riders opus. Strap in, people - I think we're in for a thrilling ride.


Nick Cross is a children's writer, blogger and all-round techno-ninja. In 2010 he was a winner of Undiscovered Voices with his zombie comedy Back from the Dead and currently writes short fiction for Stew Magazine, an event that was recently celebrated on this site.

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