EVENTS A taste of things to come
Another year another notebook … or three?
2019 looks like a packed year for SCBWI events throughout the UK. Events Editor Fran Price takes a look at what’s in store over the coming months.
Whether you’re searching for an event that helps you get back in the flow after all the festive madness, or you’d just like to meet some other likeminded SCBWIs, the following is just a taster of some of the things going on round the British Isles. For these and other regular critique group meet-ups and socials, just check out the events page on the main British SCBWI page.
14th, SOUTHAMPTON, Discussion and Goal setting, 7.30–9.30pmCome and discuss your children’s bookish aspirations in this friendly group, and set some galvanising goals for the year ahead.
23rd, DUNDEE, Winter Scribble and Scrawl Crawl round the V&A, 11am–1pm
Get your notebooks and sketch books at the ready for a creative wander around Dundee's V&A.
16th, LONDON Masterclass: Poetry for Young People with Jasmine Gardosi, 12–4pmWith an exploding culture of spoken word, Instapoetry and political conversation, it’s never been a better time to write poetry for young people. Come and get to grips with this underrated art form, with a multiple-slam-winning performance poet.
The London Masterclasses are a popular series and, for some, a SCBWI institution. They run four times a year and tend to get booked up quickly. May and September Masterclasses are sold out, but, as we go to press, there are spaces in March and October.
16th, CAMBRIDGE, Author Panel, 2–4pm
Three award-winning children’s writers, all based in East Anglia, give insights into the skills needed to engage the interest of the young reader. The panel discussion will be followed by a Q and A session, a book signing and a display of artwork.
11th, EDINBURGH, 1-2-1s with an agent or editor, 1.15–4.45pmSCBWI SE Scotland is thrilled to be able to offer members the opportunity to receive 1-2-1 feedback from an agent or editor, plus a short industry panel discussion about the submission process and the current state of children’s publishing.
Each 1-2-1 feedback session costs £30 and is available to SCBWI members only. For your £30 you will receive: a 15-minute feedback chat with one of the invited experts on either a short synopsis plus the first ten pages of your MG or YA project, or a whole PB manuscript; a 30-minute panel discussion.
Booking opens this Wednesday, January 30th — book early as the event is expected to sell out quickly.
14th, LONDON Industry Insiders, How to Get Published, 6.30–9 pm
Panel event with an author, editor and agent, exploring the writer’s journey to publication and beyond.
*Header image: Fran Price
Fran Price is Events Editor for Words and Pictures online magazine. Contact her at
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