NETWORK NEWS 2019 Events in July

Network News Editor, Janey Robinson, shares SCBWI events coming up in July across the British Isles

If you are in need of some inspiration over the summer take a look at these upcoming events in July and beyond from the SCBWI Networks. They're not only an opportunity to share your work and learn, but a great way to meet fellow creatives. Enjoy!

SCBWI Events in July

6 JULY Central North Coffee and Critique 10:30 Minerva Building, Lincoln University

6 JULY Central West Monthly Critique Meet-up 10:00 - 15:00 Waterstones Birmingham Cafe

9 JULY South East Guildford Critique Group at The White House Pub, new members welcome

12 JULY London Brunch BYO Picnic 12:00 on the canal steps beside Granary Square N1C 4BH

13 JULY North West Critique and Meeting 10.30 - 14.30 Waterstones, Deansgate, Manchester

13 JULY South East Coffee and Chat 10:30 - 12:00 Garage Coffee, Canterbury

16 JULY London Book Club 19:00 - 21:00 Waterstones Piccadilly, Discussing the work of Judith Kerr,

18 JULY South East Southampton Meet Up 19:30 - 21:30 The Cowherds on the edge of the common

20 JULY North East Scrawl Crawl across York Historic Walls 11:00 - 15:00 Starting at Trafalgar Bay Pub

28 JULY South East Brighton Social 11:00 Brighton Waterstones

Central East Book Club, reading Bone Talk by Candy Gourlay. This will take place at Baroosh Bar, Cambridge and also be online. July date to be confirmed.

In Wales you can currently meet up with local SCBWIs in Abergavenny, Cardiff, North Wales (Gladstones Library) and Swansea, with hopes to move further west this year. Check out the Wales Network page for up-to-date listings including a face-to-face critique group in Cardiff for MG/YA writers (meeting every 2 months) and an online picture book group with monthly critiques.

SCBWI South West is currently limited to member-led critique groups and socials while we hunt for a new network organiser. There are two vacant posts in need of enthusiastic volunteers willing to step up and carry on the good work Rita Lazaro has been doing. If you are interested in volunteering for the South West Network (Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire) please e-mail Marie Basting at for further details.

SCBWI Events Now Booking

4 SEPTEMBER London Industry Insiders: Pitch Perfect Workshop, 19:00-21:00 City Lit

16 NOVEMBER North East Patrice Lawrence workshop: Writing for Others 11:00 - 16:00 York Central Library

Future Events to Watch Out For

In partnership with the Edinburgh International Book Festival, SCBWI Scotland Network Organisers Elizabeth and Justin will be chairing or hosting the following events in Edinburgh this August, all bookable via the festival website:

- Scribble and Scrawl Crawl w/c 12 August (date/time TBC)
- Picturing Pathways to the Future at 12:15 on 16 August with Morag Hood and Jill Calder
- How to be a Writer for Life, author panel event at 17:30 on 23 August

14 SEPTEMBER North West Critique and Meeting 10:30 - 14:30 Waterstones, Deansgate, Manchester

27 SEPTEMBER Agents’ Party 18:00 - 22:00 Bush Hall, Shepherd’s Bush, London

28 SEPTEMBER North West Author Panel and Agent/Editor 1:1s Location to be confirmed

28th SEPTEMBER Scotland Picture Books - From Concept to Creation with Leah McDowell, Art and Production Director at Floris Books with a limited number of portfolio reviews for members

Central East have the following events coming up, keep an eye out for their official announcement and full details on the SCBWI website: Workshop with Gemma Cooper, Summer Scrawl Crawl and Summer Book Club

In 2020, Scotland are hosting the Moniack Mhor SCBWI Retreat in the Highlands from Monday 28 September to Saturday 3 October with bookings hopefully opening later this year.

Find and book SCBWI British Isles events. 

The summer is a great time to let your network organiser know what type of events and socials you'd like to see in the future. Perhaps you'd like to organise your own event or a new critique group? Our networks are only as good as our volunteers so please do get involved. 

Plug in to your local network.

North West
North East
Central North
Central West
Central East
South West
South East

The header image is by Niki Leonidou. Niki graduated from the Kent Institute of Art & Design in 2000 and has been working as a freelance children's book illustrator since then. More than 180 books with her work have been published worldwide. Her picture book Looking for Misty  was nominated for the International Award for best picture book concept in Hasselt, Belgium, in 2014. She loves teaching art to children and has occasionally worked as an art teacher.

Janey Robinson is the Network News Editor for Words & Pictures. A SCBWI member since 2015 Janey mainly writes picture books with YA fantasy a more recent passion. She lives in North London but escapes to wide open spaces whenever possible, particularly places where you can see the Milky Way on a clear night. Twitter: @sjlrobinson

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