BLOG BREAK Diversity and dragons

Nick Cross presents his fortnightly selection of must-read blogs.

You may have read about the protests outside two Birmingham primary schools in recent months, with crowds gathering to declaim the teaching of LGBT+ rights. In an important post, local resident Juliet Clare Bell delves into the content of the picture books that the protesters were complaining about, revealing a very different story beneath the rhetoric.

Staying with a diversity and inclusion theme, here's a great post from Kathryn Evans that very clearly explains the concept of privilege and how it affects us all as writers and people.

Tracy Darnton is stuck in the middle of her book which is a situation a lot of us can empathise with! Her blog post for An Awfully Big Blog Adventure is an entertaining trip into a procrastinating mind.

Are you fazed by Facebook or terrified of Twitter? Here's Kathryn Evans (again) to help, with an insightful post for Notes from the Slushpile, discussing how to use social media to your full advantage.

Finally, here's Emma Perry interviewing SCBWI-BI author Liz Flanagan for My Book Corner. Who knew that chickens and dragons could have so much in common as writing inspiration?


*Feature image: Blog Break logo by Nick Cross

Nick Cross is Words & Pictures' Blog Network Editor. An Undiscovered Voices winner, he both writes and illustrates for children, and was honours winner of the SCBWI Magazine Merit Award for fiction.

Nick also blogs for Notes from the Slushpile. His most recent post is Further Adventures in Illustration.

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