Our KnowHow series on publicity with Children's and YA author, Gill Stewart, comes to an end this week. To round things off, Gill and her publisher, Sweet Cherry Publishing, share some publicity advice. 

This final article is written in partnership with Jess Stenson and is a checklist of additional things you and/or your publisher should be thinking of when publicising your book. We love lists!

Publisher’s Checklist

Gathering reviews
Early reviews are an excellent way to create pre-publication buzz, whether they are formal reviews in newspapers, via a blog tour or building up your Amazon listing. As an author, if you know of any local publications or bloggers you’re keen to work with, you should mention these to your publicist.

Entering prizes
Make a note of any prizes the book would be ideal for. These can range from traditional prizes, to library and school organisations. Local prizes can also be great and new prizes are being created all the time.

POS - AKA point of sale
This means extras such as bookmarks, postcards, badges, pens, bunting, anything! These can be lots of fun because they really bring the visual aspect of your book to life and help readers remember your book. Make sure you give them out at events!

Author’s Checklist

Social media
Yes, you do need to be “out there” on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook as a minimum. And yes, you do need to keep mentioning your book. But don’t relentlessly plug the same message. Rather than saying ‘I got another 5 star review…’ you could talk about inspiration for your story, the setting, quotes from an interview or magazine article. Mixing things up is crucial.

These are a great way to gain attention, create a buzz and to engage with new readers. You can offer a chance to win a signed and dedicated copy of the book (or an early proof) in exchange for a retweet, sharing or tagging a friend. To keep costs down it’s best to be clear about the countries you are prepared to post to, e.g. UK only.

Feature image: Lubos Houska from Pixabay

Gill Stewart’s coming of age YA novel, Lily's Just Fine is published by Sweet Cherry in July 2019. Born in England, Gill has lived in South Africa, France and Zimbabwe and now lives in Scotland. You can follow her on Twitter.

Jess Stenson is the Sales and Publicity Executive at Sweet Cherry Publishing. She is also a blogger and Booktuber, Read By Jess and was longlisted for Champion Vlogger at the UKYABA 2018 Awards. Her favourite children's book is Vicky Angel by Jacqueline Wilson. You can follow her and her book reviews on Twitter.

Eleanor Pender is Knowhow Editor. If there's something you'd like to know how to do, send your suggestions to

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