BLOG BREAK Clues and Cameos
Nick Cross presents his selection of must-read SCBWI-BI member blogs.
Writer and illustrator Jan Pieńkowski's picture books were a colourful presence in both my own childhood and that of my kids, so I was saddened to hear of his death last week. Catherine Friess is a fan too, and she salutes his most enduring & endearing characters Meg and Mog
Catherine Rosevear (and her dog) are thinking about clues for readers and how to create effective foreshadowing
Have you ever tried to write a blurb for your book? Lu Hersey is having a challenging time with hers, as she recounts in a post for An Awfully Big Blog Adventure
Promoting your book can be hard work. Here's Natascha Biebow with some ideas of how you can use global theme days as a hook to reach your audience
Do you clam up when someone asks what you're writing? Do you find it hard to share your work with others? If so, you're not alone - Ann Brady considers why writers become so protective of their work, and finds an upside to the difficult act of sharing
Finally, I was pleased to see a cameo appearance from my local independent bookshop Mostly Books in Rashmi Sirdeshpande's exuberant blog post introducing her new picture book Yes You Can, Cow!
*Feature image: Blog Break logo by Nick Cross
Nick Cross is Words & Pictures' Blog Network Editor. An Undiscovered Voices winner, he both writes and illustrates for children, and was honours winner of the SCBWI Magazine Merit Award for fiction.
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