Now that the whirling debut dust has settled, Deputy Editor Fran Price invites Julia Tuffs to talk about one thing she's learnt since becoming a published author.
Debut year is like a rollercoaster. I know that’s an over-used cliché, but my brain has used up all its decent similes cracking out Book 3, so let’s stick with rollercoaster. But not a standard rollercoaster – one of those super twisty-turny ones where you go upside down and have drops so steep you’re convinced you’re going to plummet to your death. One of those rollercoasters. There are highs, for sure, but for every high, you’re waiting for the death plummet that invariably follows.
On her podcast Novel Experience, fellow 2021 debut Kate Sawyer, said that the reality of getting a book published is like marrying the prince and discovering he farts which, I think, is SUCH a perfect description.
Julia Tuffs (pictured right) with Kate Weston at YALC
I’ve never been one for rollercoasters – I find the safety and comfort of the gently spinning tea cups more appealing so I found my debut year challenging, to say the least. But there was one thing that one hundred per cent got me through that year, the year since and, I hope, many years to come and that is the amazing friends I’ve made along the way.
Julia with Georgia Bowers at YALC
Julia with both her books, Hexed and Twice Hexed, published by Hachette
- Why have I not heard from my publisher in over two months?
- How much should I charge for a school visit?
- Should I be asking my publisher for postcards?
- Why have I not heard from my publisher in over three months?
- Has anyone got a place that does good stickers?
- Do you think I can use the word ‘pussy’ in a school visit talking about Donald Trump or is that too rude?
- Why have I not heard from my publisher in over four months?
- What the hell is an IR35 form and how do I fill one in?
Julia with Nicola Penfold on their launch day in July 2021
Before joining the group, I’d have thought that maybe seeing other people win awards would have left me feeling low, but I genuinely feel delighted and proud – I love seeing my writer friends succeed and have their brilliant writing recognised and maybe because they’ve been part of my journey, I feel like I’m part of theirs too. Which isn’t exactly saying a tiny part of me also won those prizes but… you know…
Julia with Holly Race at their joint launch this year
So back to my clichéd rollercoaster analogy – if debut years are a rollercoaster ride, writing friends are the safety bar that stops you plummeting to your death. Hold on tight to them!
*Header image by Shannon Ell; all other pictures courtesy of Julia Tuffs
After a brief, (but fun), stint working in television and as a primary school teacher, Julia Tuffs decided to take her writing dreams more seriously. She lives in South West London with her family and ragdoll cats, (Billy and Nora), and spends her time writing, reading, dreaming of holidays and watching too much reality TV. She aims to write the kinds of books that shaped and inspired her as a teenager. Julia is the author of Hexed and Twice Hexed, (which published on 23rd June 2022).
Instagram: @juliatuffs
Twitter: @JuliaTuffs
Instagram: @juliatuffs
Twitter: @JuliaTuffs
Instagram: @shannon.illustrates
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