Words & Pictures' illustration features editor Ell Rose showcases a second glimpse into the current work of SCBWI illustrators. Take a look along the lines of their analog and digital brushes.
I love illustrating children's books and creating patterns with a variety of media. Alongside evening classes and creative diplomas, I studied Ocean Science at University and later ran my own business in Project Management. I still work as a freelancer, whilst raising my two boys. My favourite themes are neurodiversity, botanicals and science.
My name is Alison Miles. These are from the book I am currently working on. It’s the eighth in my Snippy the Crab series. Snippy got stuck inside the professor’s lunch box while nibbling her sandwiches on the beach and is now trapped in her purple bag. She is striding to the lecture room to give a talk on art to the local school children. I usually work on a picture until it’s nearly finished before I move on to the next. I add the final details, like hands and feet, when all the illustrations for the book are done.
credit: @fyddlestix
Hurt my hip and couldn't go dancing class for a few weeks, so I drew myself dancing instead. (At least, I hope that's what I look like!😁)
Saw a funny car outside my building Sunday night and woke up thinking about driving it, went to get coffee, and felt a little "crabby" (I'm not a morning person), then tried to get to work and felt like everything was going at a snail's pace. Monday mornings...
Cello and pool party
credit: @paulettebogan123
Hi, I'm Sally! I’m a Suffolk (UK) based Children's Book illustrator. I've worked with publishers such as Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, Page Street Kids, PJ Publishing, Mighty Kids, Baby Bug and Ask Magazine.
credit: @sallywalkerillustration
I have been drawing bears for many years and they have gradually evolved from crude pen and ink drawings to colourful paintings created with watercolour pencils and washes.
During the Lockdown in 2020, I started sharing Charlie’s story on my Facebook page, 'The Chocolate Ear', after my chocolate-making business collapsed. He rapidly gained a lot of loyal and enthusiastic followers who avidly followed his story. He boosted morale with his daily, inspirational sayings and some of his antics.
Trubshaw. As he gazed at the ceiling in the gathering dusk, he had the sinking feeling he’d be here for some time.
I found this bear on the floor after it had been liberated by my dog and quickly captured the image and the potential story it offered.
credit: @chocolateear
Hi, I'm Huong, a HarperCollins Author Academy alumna, FAB 2022 Commended winner & SCBWI BIPOC Scholarship Recipient. Here are some sketches with my explanations for them.
Sleep tight.
credit: @huong_illustrator
My name is Jensen Collins and I am a member of the SCBWI Montana (USA) Region. These are my sketchbook submissions for the Words & Pictures magazine feature.
credit: @jennypennypaper
If you want your sketches and illustrations to be featured in our articles, please email us at
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