Network News: networking in the networks

By Gill James
We’ve talked about the types of critique groups that exist in the networks and some of the venues where network meetings take place. This week I want to summarise how people use their networks and how they perceive them to be useful. I’d also like to find out more about how widespread this is and what else folk would like from their networks. I guess I’m also using the word “network” to mean more than just the regional groups of SCBWI members; indeed SCBWI-BI and SCWBI generally are enormously helpful networks.

I’m doing this through a series of questions. It would be great if you could send your answers to me on or complete the Monkey Survey if you’d prefer to remain anonymous.

If you just want to answer one or two questions, just use the comment box below.

  • Has being a member of SCBWI regional network helped you to become published?
  • If so, how?
  • Has it helped you to promote your work?
  • Which activities do you take part in? – critique groups, social gatherings, scrawl crawls, goal-setting events, talks by visiting speakers?
  • Which is your favourite network activity?
  • How important is the venue for meetings for you?
  • Can you tell us about a favourite venue?
  • What is the most important aspect of belonging to the network for you?
  • Have you any suggestions for what you would like to see your regional network doing?
  • How has being a member of the wider SCBWI network helped you?
  • Have you been involved in any cyber-networking within SCBWI? E.g. E-critique groups, Skype-conferencing?

Finally, would you be willing to be a featured member in Network News? This would involve answering a few of the above questions a little more fully and providing a few photographs to produce a short article. If so, contact me on

Take the Monkey Survey here. 

Gill James is a published writer and an academic teaching creative writing who can hand-on-heart says she is published three times as a result of wider networking. She finds SCBWI, as a world-wide organization, as the British Isles and her own North-West Network tremendously motivating and supportive.      


  1. Commitments in my private life make it difficult for me to attend meetings on a regular basis. Also I quite often have to cancel those I do sign up for and feel very guilty about it. Online networking, especially in the SCBWI Facebook group, has been a wonderful social outlet as well as a means of exchanging information plus I have the comfort of being about to drop in as and when I can.


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