Ten-Minute Blog Break - 23rd September

As well as a choice of surnames, the ever-generous Olivia Bright/Kiernan offers us a choice of blogging formats. Do you prefer reading about her thoughts on writing a great opening to your novel in a standard blog post, or to have them summarised in a vlog (with added whiteboardery?)
More choices present themselves with Larissa Villar Hauser's latest post, as it comes with a warning that the content is "really boring for anyone not interested in the brass tacks of self-publishing!" But if you are looking to self-publish, her advice on obtaining and managing ISBNs is invaluable.
I initially thought that Sue Hyams' 500 Word Challenge was going to be about flash fiction (my own personal word count obsession), but it turned out to be a post following her attempts to write 500 words a day for ten days. The results may surprise you (and indeed her!)
Bryony Pearce's plea for us all to take responsibility for childhood literacy may be preaching to the converted here in SCBWI land, but that doesn't make it any less true. How can we help those families who don't consider reading either a pleasure or a necessity?
Double Crystal Kite winner Candy Gourlay may already seem "kind of a big deal" in our world, but she's front page news in her native Philippines! Read Candy's interview with the Philippine Daily Inquirer, and the accompanying blog post about her Filipino book tour.
A SCBWI member since 2009, Nick Cross is an Undiscovered Voices winner who currently writes children's short fiction for Stew Magazine (September issue out now).
Nick's most recent blog post finds him exploring a character he just can't stop writing about: The Evolution of Max.
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