Excitement is Building
Here on the sofa at W&P Towers, excitement is building as we're about to enter our conference month. Yes folks this year the 2014 conference fringe ( The Friday Night Critique) is on Friday October 31st, spooky!
So just to make sure you've missed NOTHING and before I hand over to Natascha for a From Your RA Conference Special, here's a quick recap of last week...
- In advance of the next London Masterclass Writing Picture Books Alison interviewed Pippa Goodhart
- Nick was Blogtastic
- Tom Witcomb told us everything we need to know in his Agent Confidential
- Chitra reported on the last London masterclass Primary School Visits
- There was another rib-tickling ProCATsination from Jion
- And hooray for the Margaret Carey Scholarship winners and honorary mentions
Next week, to round off our month of Motivation & Challenge Sue Hyams writes about how to manage that very justifiable distraction from writing - research. We have the first of our pre-conference posts and if all goes to plan the first of our conference interviews with our illustrator keynote speaker the wonderful Nick Butterworth, ladies and gentlemen!
Before I go a quick job advert:
We are looking for a new EVENTS EDITOR - if you'd like to join the Words & Pictures Team and think you can co-ordinate our coverage of the fantastic events members organise for us please do get in touch: editor @britishscbwi.org
Have fun!
Jan Carr
Jan Carr is the editor of Words & Pictures. Her fiction is all over the place, she blogs occasionally and loves to write in magenta. You can contact her at editor@britishscbwi.org.
Thanks, Jan. Short but sweet!