Ten-Minute Blog Break - 19th May

I'm pleased to welcome Piers Torday to the Blog Break with a great post for Awfully Big Blog Adventure about his favourite picture books. Rejecting easy nostalgia, Piers highlights the weird and the wonderful - books that really fired up his imagination.
As a follow-up to her SCBWI Pulse event in London last week, Sarah McIntyre has written a comprehensive blog post summarising the latest developments in her crusade to get more recognition for illustrators. It's great reading whether you were at the event or not.
Are you an unagented picture book author seeking publication? In which case, you should scoot over to Kate Peridot's blog immediately, and read her helpful list of children's picture book publishers who accept unsolicited manuscripts.
Natascha Biebow is blogging at Picture Book Den, keen to write vivid stories for children who live in the moment. Read her post and find out how a bar of soap can make you a better writer!
Finally, I couldn't resist including this post by Alistair Lane, which made me laugh out loud. Are you fed up with writing the same boring out-of-office emails all the time? Then why not try one of Alistair's clever haikus instead?
A SCBWI member since 2009, Nick Cross is a children's writer, Undiscovered Voices winner, occasional blogger, ex-zombie and part-time superhero for two hours every Wednesday evening (but only after putting the bins out).
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