BLOG BREAK Crochet and Creativity
Nick Cross presents his fortnightly selection of must-read blogs.
OK, I'll admit it – I am totally task-oriented and will struggle to write, draw or make something if there isn't a purpose behind it. But is that a healthy way to be? Kelly McCaughrain blogs about the challenge of being creative just for fun, in a market-focused and hyper-critical world.
Natascha Biebow has been having similar thoughts, and is taking up her colour pencils and doodling! Her post for Picture Book Den explores how doodling can help writers with plot, structure and even marketing.
Sarah Broadley has been struggling with her creativity over these past months, but rather than force the issue, she's found it's given her an opportunity to reconsider the meaning of success.
Some more craft now, as Emma Perry deals with an impending problem (the lockdown publication of her latest picture book) by crocheting a promotional video (and yes, you did read that right).
Apart from the obvious reduction in killer diseases, one major benefit of lockdown has been a rekindling of community spirit. Sally Poyton blogs about the bookish cheer that has taken root in her home village.
Finally, here's Liz Flanagan talking about her favourite subject – dragons! And from her post for BookTrust, it seems that her young audience are just as obsessed with these mythical firebreathers.
*Feature image: Blog Break logo by Nick Cross
Nick Cross is Words & Pictures' Blog Network Editor. An Undiscovered Voices winner, he both writes and illustrates for children, and was honours winner of the SCBWI Magazine Merit Award for fiction.
Nick also blogs for Notes from the Slushpile.
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