CREATE Spread the Rainbow

Struggling to keep your creativity going when your head is full of everything else that's going on? Art Director Su Dore presents our new creative feature, W&P Create, which we hope will provide our SCBWI-BI community with some inspiration and togetherness.

Your ‘new normal’… is probably very different to your ‘normal normal’!

Whilst everyone, I’m sure, is coping with their ‘new normal’ as best they can, it can still be a struggle to keep up, to stay positive and to stay creative.

Maybe you’re too busy to think of adding in anything new. 
(We understand, it’s ok.)

Maybe you’re just about keeping your head above water.  
(Hope it gets better soon.)

Maybe you’re struggling to keep up with home schooling. 
(It’s tough, we get it.)

Or maybe, you’re not sleeping, life is horrible,
you can’t bear to watch anymore news…
… AND your creative mojo has left the building.

If you resonated with that last sentence, this article is for you.

Here at Words & Pictures we’ve been trying to think of ways to help our SCBWI community. So, we’re going to give you a monthly prompt to illustrate or write about.

You can draw, paint, collage, write a poem, or a few inspiring words… and then post them on your social media feeds.

All we ask you to do is use the hashtag: #scbwitogether

We will endeavour to repost, retweet, as many as possible… and maybe showcase your work in a future Words & Pictures article.

The first prompt is:

Spread the Rainbow

Jo Byatt

Olivia Villet

Sharon Davey

This prompt is for everyone, illustrators and writers can join in. We’re in this together, and together we can get through this. Spread the love and spread the SCBWI rainbow.
#spreadtherainbow #spreadthelove #scbwitogether #W&Pcreate

Stay strong and stay safe.

* Header image: Soni Speight

Suzanne is Words & Pictures' Art Director. She is a freelance graphic designer, illustrator and writer. She graduated in fine-art, has completed many children’s book illustration online courses, and joined SCBWI in 2015. Longlisted twice for Undiscovered Voices, and shortlisted twice for Templar Publishing’s Illustration competition. She is currently unpublished and seeking an agent. 

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