SPARKS Picking up the scent

In the third of a series of quick creative prompts for all ages, K. M. Lockwood gets a little sniffy . . .

Continuing with the senses, this week's suggestions are all about smell. Whether they are pleasant or not, odours have a powerful effect on most humans. They often bring back memories, and can quickly change a mood.

Reactions are unique: most people find lavender relaxing, yet I think it's zingy and refreshing! The smell of crystallized ginger reminds of my great-grandmother, but I really don't like hyacinths.

Smells can make a reader feel deeply. Here are a few ideas to enjoy even in lockdown.

  • needs nothing but you, and won't disturb anyone!

Researching (Be careful. Wash your hands first – and check it's OK to do these.)

  • Look round for any spices and herbs, fruit and vegetables.
  • Try grinding or crushing any seeds, roots or bark in small amounts.
  • Rub the skin of fruit or leaves.
  • Have a smell when anything's being used.
  • Maybe try perfumes, shower gels and aftershave?
  • If you can get to a garden, park or wild area, try a (cautious) sniff at flowers, leaves and bark.


  • Do any remind you of something/someone?
  • If the smell had a colour, what would it be?
  • If the smell made a sound, what would it be?
  • If you could touch it, what would it feel like?


  • List/draw as many items that smell as you can.
  • Use your colour, sound and texture ideas if you like.
  • You could put them in groups of hot/warm/cold, pleasing/dull/disgusting – or any other way you can think of!
  • Can you make a poem or a poster, or perhaps both at once? 

Header image by Vero Photoart on Unsplash



K. M. Lockwood loves stories full of folklore, fantasy and fairytale influences. Happy hours are spent reading, editing and reviewing them – and writing her own in Tales from the Garret.
Twitter: @lockwoodwriter

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