SCBWI-BI CONFERENCE 2023 Last chance to book!


 The Annual SCBWI-BI Conference is almost upon us. Bookings close soon, but there is still time to claim your ticket and enjoy a potentially life-changing weekend in your writing or illustrating career.


Book Now


Conference co-chair and speaker Kate Peridot says, 'The support writers receive from the SCBWI community and events gave me the confidence and encouragement I needed to find an agent and eventually become published. This year I am delighted to give back by helping to organise the conference and by stepping onto the stage to share what I have learned about writing both fiction and non-fiction with other writers and illustrators'.


This year's conference has an amazing programme of industry, author and illustrator speakers at the top of their profession covering all of the children's genres but where the SCBWI conference is unique is the time given to mingling and making contacts. During coffee breaks, lunch and evening events, agents, designers, editors, publishers, authors and illustrators – published and unpublished – have the time and space to talk to each other. 

This is a conference where long-lasting connections and friendships are forged – and it’s great fun too!


You will hear from children’s book publishers, editors and agents including Robin Stevens, Peter Bunzl, Paula Harrison, Penny Joelson, Ed Vere, Jasmine Richards, Hilary De La Mere, those behind Bunny vs Monkey, Kate Peridot... and so many more! And if you are a writer or author-illustrator from Picture Books to Young Adult you could be showing your work to amazing agents like Catherine Pellegrino and Anthony Hinton.


Bookings close very soon. Get your ticket now and make your writing dreams come true.


Book Now


*Header illustration: Ed Vere

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