Ten-Minute Blog Break & Conference Blog Challenge!

Before I start this week's Blog Break, I'm pleased to announce something a little special for next week, the Conference Blog Challenge!
Read on for details of how you can get involved...

During or following the SCBWI British Isles conference this coming weekend, I'd like as many of our SCBWI bloggers as possible to write a short post with the title:

I Love the SCBWI-BI Conference Because...

I always come out of the conference buzzing, and I know I'm not the only one. It would be great to harness that energy for a super-special Blog Break next Tuesday.

Once you've written your post, please email me a link at:
whoatemybrain-conference@yahoo.com with the subject:
"Conference Blog Challenge" by 9pm Monday 25th November.
I will include every SCBWI member who emails me in next week's Blog Break post.

OK, back to our usual programming. A subject that's been very much on our bloggers' minds this week is the terrible devastation in the Philippines. Many, many talented people have banded together to present the amazing Authors for the Philippines auction site. You could win an author visit from Teri Terry, a picture book critique by Sarah McIntyre, signed books and an exclusive CD by Dave Cousins, or even a character named after you in Liz de Jager's final Blackhart Legacy book. Frankly, I could go on and on - there are over 450 lots on offer at the time of writing. But get in quick - the auction closes at 8pm GMT on Wednesday 20th November.

Sam Zuppardi shared an awesome trailer for his forthcoming picture book The Nowhere Box. Sam's art looks even more fabulous when animated, and the trailer is a textbook example of how to build anticipation for a book without giving away everything that happens.

What do guinea pigs do online? Predictably, they get into trouble, while also imparting a useful lesson about internet safety for younger children. Sally Poyton reviews Guinea Pigs Online over at Space on the Bookshelf.

Finally, we've heard all about what authors can offer when they get together for charity, but on a more prosaic level, Sara Grant asks What Do Authors Owe Their Readers? Prompted by the vociferous response to Veronica Roth's Allegiant, Sara analyses the changing relationship between writer and audience, and answers the question for herself. Check out the blog post and see if you agree.


Nick Cross is a children's writer, blogger and all-round techno-ninja. In 2010 he was a winner of Undiscovered Voices with his zombie comedy Back from the Dead.

Nick didn't write a blog post this week and now finds he has this big area to fill but nothing much to put in it.

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