NETWORK NEWS What's happening to events and critique groups?

In light of government guidance, SCBWI BI has decided to suspend all events until the end of May. So what's going to happen in our Networks? 

In the first instance, we will consider whether we can reschedule for a future date, as far as 2021 or maybe an open date tbc. We might also be able to conduct some or all of the event online. If you have already paid for a cancelled event you will be refunded. Please contact the event organiser directly.

There is one already scheduled on Monday 11 MAY, 19:30 - 21:00 with agent Sallyanne Sweeney!

For local events, meet ups etc, members are being encouraged to stay in touch by email, Whatsapp, Skype or Zoom - different options might work best for different groups so let's put our thinking caps on and find the best way to still support each other!


Anne is a writer and a breastfeeding counsellor. She is fluent in English and French but, please, don't ask her to do maths in English or her brain will fry. You can ask her about her four children, husband and cat and she will happily tell you all about them until you beg for mercy. She won the 2018 Winchester's Writers' Festival prize in Funny Fiction for her story about a grandmother were-cow and was shortlisted in the Writers & Artists' Writing for Children and YA competition. In her spare time, she murders violin pieces or dreams about being invited to Desert Island Discs (spoiler: her book of choice would be Eloise).
Twitter: @AmusedNonQueen

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