SCBWI BI CONFERENCE 2022 Mass Book Launch
Clare Bell, SCBWI BI Co-Network-Organiser of the Central West region, reports on the
Mass Book Launch which will take place on the evening of Saturday, 19 November at
Manchester Metropolitan University.
Most of us join SCBWI before we’ve ever had a book published, hoping desperately that one day we’ll get that email, call, meeting from an agent or editor saying “Yes! Your book is going to be published!” Watching your story or sketches evolve from a rough idea, through countless revisions and edits, into an actual book is something that many pre-published (and published!) writers and illustrators dream about.
Fancy dress fun!
The journey continues, even after your book has been signed. There are almost always more bumps along the road to publication. So when you finally get there, and your book comes out (still not the end of the road for your book, but another beginning) it’s wonderful to celebrate that success with others.
There's no better place to celebrate than the Mass Book Launch, among writer and illustrator friends and colleagues, who know the blood, sweat and tears that have gone into your book.
SCBWI British Isles’ Mass Book Launch has been going for 10 years now and we’ve been able to celebrate the success of well over 500 books from our members in that time. As well as a celebration for those who have their book or books out, it’s the hope of things to come for many, many more writers and illustrators. It can give you the push to keep going when you’re nearly, but not quite, there...
Celebrating success together
This year’s celebration will be slightly different as we’re in a new venue and there will be a meal on the Saturday night. It’s going to be exciting. There’ll be lots of other writers, illustrators and industry professionals to meet and celebrate with on the night. In addition, we’ll be showing an amazing video of everyone who’s launching their books (which can also be seen online afterwards).
So what do you do if you’ve got a book that’s come out in the last year and you’re going to be at the conference?
All members have been sent an email with a link to the form to fill in (please check your spam if you haven’t seen it). This needs to be filled in by Sunday September 25th by 5pm at the latest.
If you’ve had a book traditionally published in the last year between November 2021 and November 2022, or self-published during that time and it has sold more than 500 copies — and you are going to/planning to attend in person on the night, please fill in the form (with the link in the email) as soon as possible.
And exclusive to this year as our first year back after the pandemic…
If you had a book traditionally published between November 2019 and November 2021, or self-published a book during that time and it has sold more than 500 copies — and you are going to attend/plan to attend in person on the night, we’d still love to celebrate your success as we were not able to do it with you in person during the pandemic. There is a separate, simple form (with a link on the email) to fill in.
You can fill the forms in even if you have not yet booked your place at the conference, although you must be intending to be there on the night. This year, the Mass Book Launch will take place during the special Saturday night meal, so places are limited. If you would like to come only for the Saturday night (but not the rest of the conference as some launchers have done in the past), still fill in the form/s and we will contact you at the end of October to let you know if places are available.
We can’t wait to see you and celebrate together at the conference!
Authors and illustrators at a past Mass Book Launch
Email Clare at with any questions regarding the Mass Book Launch.
* Header image: designed by Tita Berredo; illustrations by Jim Field
* Feature images: SCBWI
There's still time to apply for one of our scholarships to attend the SCBWI BI Annual Conference in Manchester. We have a range of scholarships open to members and non-members, for low-income and traditionally underrepresented authors and illustrators. Full details are here.
The deadline is approaching (Monday 26th September) so don't delay!
Twitter @julietclarebell
Stephanie Cotela is the new Network News & Events Editor for Words & Pictures magazine.
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