12th December - Paul Morton


 See the whole image and the growing Advent Gallery here.

Do you have a Tweetable micro story for
Heather's illustration?

Post it in the comments and we'll tweet it too with #W8PAdvent and your Twitter handle

Don't forget to allow for the # and the @


  1. Catching cod needs patience/ Firm rod & festive bait/ Make a wish for gift-wrapped fish/ Sing carols while you wait #W8PAdvent @JayeSeymour

  2. Sent through the centre of the earth to get there faster Addressed to the South Pole Penguins from the North Pole Master #W8PAdvent @sueeves

  3. "Penguin will be VERY surprised when he unwraps that Christmas pineapple." sniggers seal peeping from under the ice. #W8PAdvent @GeorgeKirk2

  4. "Mum! I got present!"
    "What is it dear?" Mum slid over the ice for a look.
    "I don't know. It's all wrapped up!"
    #W8PAdvent @jancarr


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