18th December - Emma Graham


 See the whole image and the growing Advent Gallery here.

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  1. Father Christmas found that Christmas was his favourite time of year.
    Traveling round the whole wide world and spreading Christmas cheer.
    The cold and snowy north was first so when it all was done,
    He’d end up in Australia with his feet up in the sun.

  2. The children played upon the snow. They made a happy din. The robin watched them from his tree. Just dying to join in! @CathJacobNews Catherine Jacob

  3. Through sunbeams and moonshine the planet spins/ A star lights the stable where Christmas begins #W8PAdvent @JayeSeymour

  4. Walk, ride, sail, fly,
    Cross desert, sea, field and sky.
    To reach a cattle stall,
    It's a small world after all.
    #W8PAdvent @GeorgeKirk2

  5. I see 3 ships go sailing by, Santa in a sleigh flying high, 3 wise men from afar, all laden with gifts, guided by a star #W8PAdvent @sueeves

    1. Welcome to our world - our baby granddaughter - born last night :)

    2. lol, I think we posted simultaneously Sue. We approached it in quite a similar way! And a big congratulations to you!

    3. Many congratulations Sue!

    4. Congratulations Sue! Welcome to the World Baby Girl! ( A great book by Fannie Flag)

  6. Clever Santa packs sun-lotion
    Stuffs his feet in fat socks
    Wings it across the ocean
    Changing his Docs to Crocs
    @FarinaAckerman #W8PAdvent

    1. I had Christmas in Australia once this reminds me- thank you Farina!

    2. Happy New Year Jan. I just saw your reply! Aah - Australia...Still, a good old British downpour sets the town for creative musings, doesn't it? And a good excuse for cocoa and slipper-socks...

  7. Oops, just seen the whole image of the globe! darn phone only showed me a corner. In which case... 'Through sun and snow the world spins round, Its circles never cease. But Christmas Day gifts all a chance To pause, and hope for peace.' @cathjacobnews Catherine Jacob

  8. These are fabulous, ladies! Thank you


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